I have chosen to share these Heartfelt stories - journeys within the Spiritual realms, with those of you who are drawn to this site.
Should you feel yourself to be one of these readers -PLEASE take the time to disengage your mind and relax.
Take a few deep breaths.
Allow your attention and your focus to rest in that soft space in your Heart.
Now FEEL and experience these journeys from this place while you read.
You will know what feels true for you.


The Dream Gaze

There is an intensity surrounding and pervading all at this time. It is calling for an unwavering focus, an unwavering presence - a matching intensity.
Within this intensity there must be total calm - not even an inkling of turbulence. A crystal clear clarity.
The vision that now appears in front of my eyes is one of a cat and a mouse. The cat has an intense focus and concentration on the mouse, watching for ANY and EVERY sign of movement - or anything else for that matter! There is an alertness and astuteness that is just magnificent - a mixture of tools of precision - art in the making.
The cat looks up and I am drawn to its round green eyes - the markings in its iris, the opening and closing of the black doorway of its pupil into another world. It seems to be tempting or teasing me - daring me to enter this other world. I check with Bear on my feelings and then let the cat know I won't enter without Bear's company.  Bear knows the cat will not be happy with this.
And as true to Bear's feelings - the cat, having lost 'interest' - loses its gaze and wanders away. Seems I was to be the mouse!
My attention is then drawn to the real mouse!!! He wipes his brow and sits down, leaning back on his arm. '"Phew!!! That was close!" he lets out. "I was doing okay holding his gaze, but your help was welcome - a good distraction."
We all sit and I wonder of this experience and how it relates to me. Confronting fears? Holding one's ground? Maintaining presence and awareness? Yes, I am sure of all these things as I see nods of agreement from my furry companions, both big and small!!!
There is something else though - something I am staring in the eyes or is staring me in the eyes!! Strange - usually the Helpers give me more of a clue. But this time, they are waiting for me and are prepared to sit there for as long as it takes. I hear the words - ''you must see it through to the end" . The feeling is 'it' has been long, has been a long process - but there is no room for wavering attention now.  More than ever the 'gaze'- the hold must be maintained and the dream behind it clearer and stronger than ever before.  Dig deeper and access the strength and energy of the dream. This will sustain you, move you and release you to your true place in the way of the universe.
And THAT is what you need to remember!!! Be the immovable rock that only the universe can shift. The light of the universe IS  your focus......
Dig deep and become your dream - for that is who you are...
Everything that has gone before you has brought you closer to your dream, to the Truth of who you are.  It is the Truth that will be shared. So bring your attention and your unwavering gaze 'here' for this is where your roots lie..