I have chosen to share these Heartfelt stories - journeys within the Spiritual realms, with those of you who are drawn to this site.
Should you feel yourself to be one of these readers -PLEASE take the time to disengage your mind and relax.
Take a few deep breaths.
Allow your attention and your focus to rest in that soft space in your Heart.
Now FEEL and experience these journeys from this place while you read.
You will know what feels true for you.


Peace and Patience

This feels like the first opportunity I have given myself for a while to align myself with the inner world - to listen for longer than a millisecond at a time! THAT, can become very disjointed!!!
I do not sit alone - my dear four legged stoic friend Bella joins me in shared comararderie.....

So I sit and I listen, enjoying the stillness and expanding 'nothingness'.  It reminds me of the feeling I used to get as a late teen - a girl who had taken off on an adventure from one end of the country to the other - first stop the tropics!! Finding a secluded beach with white sand, warm tranquil waters and just Nature for company.  A swim in the sea and then lying down on the sand, the sun engulfing me in his rays - drying the salt on my body and then moving through my skin, to my bones and finally to the centre of my very being.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My focus changes and I am recognizing the absence of 'mind obstacles' and without them, how refreshing and perfect is my journey.  And in this clarity, I , and I am sure All, truly DO know who they are and why they are here.  The simplicity is profound and yet we find it so deceiving when it is truly honest and so straightforward....

I see I am 'looking out', 'looking across' a landscape which is quite empty, open and sparse.  There is minimal light so it gives me a sense of the beginnings of dawn......I then feel SpiritBear who is beside me and reminding me to relish and enjoy this moment.  For it IS quiet and peaceful.
The Peace shall continue , yet the 'pace' shall change.  It shan't be hectic yet it shall be fully engaging.
The Sun DOES burn brighter yet it burns brighter and hotter in ALL of us - enabling us to offer more warmth , more light and more inspiration to all around us.
I hear, 'so allow the dawn to unfold in its time - Be Patient.  One cannot change Nature - when the dawn is coming, then the dawn IS COMING; and IT IS COMING.'