I have chosen to share these Heartfelt stories - journeys within the Spiritual realms, with those of you who are drawn to this site.
Should you feel yourself to be one of these readers -PLEASE take the time to disengage your mind and relax.
Take a few deep breaths.
Allow your attention and your focus to rest in that soft space in your Heart.
Now FEEL and experience these journeys from this place while you read.
You will know what feels true for you.


A SENSE OF Humour.

I am standing with Bear in a wide open area - flat rocks, grass and magnificent sunshine. My mind has been using all sorts of distraction techniques to divert me from entering this space....It feels so good when the Heart directs proceedings (as I hope to always do in time). And one thing I notice is that the mind actually loves it! For now it is in its rightful place.....To just allow things to be as they should be, as they naturally are - then peace and harmony reign..
Back to this wide open world. Bear takes off running and I can see his coat glistening in the sun and the way it moves and separates and comes back together again with each step he takes. He is such a delight. I run with him. What a feeling of freedom!!! He reminds me to really FEEL the earth as it comes into contact with my feet. As I focus on this, I feel as though the earth is enjoying a 'massage!' It is the sense of joy and lightheartedness that makes the difference. She in turn offers wonderful support - solid and strong. I am recognizing this contact with the Earth is vital - so, so vital. Often this is abandoned in people's search for higher or lighter ways of being. It is only with the contact of the earth ,can the vitality offered by life, be felt and embodied....One must be out 'feeling the earth'......There are no two ways around this - this is how it is. And I am no exception Bear strongly reminds me..The contact with the earth is also 'practicality, realistically etc'. There needs to be an awareness of this just as much as there needs to be an awareness of that which is above, beyond and a lot greater than we can imagine.
I see Bear tell me , "this is the real deal". Yet within the 'real deal' - there is a sublte but spacious place or way to manoeuvre - and this is from or within a place of 'humour' - lightheartedness,
I am able to feel the 'lead weights' that may fill my heart at times. I realise now they do not come from the earth or the practicalities of life. They come from my BELIEF they do!! I have been falsely stuffing my suitcase, so to speak , with stuff that is in fact useless for my journey and then taxing every part of me by having to cart it around..!!!
Bear reminds me to just notice this - no feelings attached. It is from here that one must regard it with a SENSE OF HUMOUR. For to berate oneself just adds to the load!!!!
So, to laugh at oneself is often overlooked yet is a Natural law. To laugh at oneself is not a 'superficial surface-only' laugh. It goes way beyond. In fact, something doesn't have to have a massive joke attached to it in order to 'laugh'. To 'laugh' is a response of joy, of lightheartedness, of movement, of shaking off. It is a way of being......an energy to hold at all times in our awareness.
A 'sense of humour' is indeed just that - it is a 'Sense'. A sense of smell, of taste, of sight - a sense of humour. To develop this sense in oneself is a strength.
I ask Bear ways to go about developing this sense. "Bring the light into any and every situation.. Allow the light to dominate, allow the light to lead. Create a light 'trigger'  within your being. Develop your sense of light.
I look around and notice Bear and I are totally in the light. We are light enough to continue our journey.


Being Me.

I immediately feel SpiritBear's presence - hurriedly guiding me to 'somewhere'.  He is also talking quite quickly as we go.  "You need to recognise that your passions are also your gifts and your strengths. No longer are your strengths to only be something you call on in need, but instead to be the basis of your life - your focus . "
This exchange is more than a passing comment that needs recognition. It is an AWARENESS that needs to be nurtured and stepped into - an awareness that I (and others perhaps) , need to embody on all levels - "Become what you are"....
It seems to be about giving myself 'wholus bolus' to this passion, dream, path. It is even more than these descriptions.; it seems to be about GIVING MYSELF TO MYSELF!!!!
I look to Bear who confirms this feeling within me. ''Yes!!! Give yourself to yourself!  What greater gift could you give to yourself???''
He sees I still have some 'reservations' and I have the feeling he wishes to ease these away.

My attention is automatically drawn to our present whereabouts - Bear has lead me to a small stream which is accompanied by well -spaced beautiful trees.. The sound of the stream intensifies as we approach it - Bear grasping my hand with his paw to guide and lead me. We step onto stones and then stand waist deep in the stream which has now increased in size.
I watch myself and get a familiar 'weird' feeling in the present physical moment. Bear tells me I need to stop 'watching myself' and 'Be myself'.... so, in journey space I become the only one - the one in the water. Bear gently lays a paw on my head and even more gently pushes me downwards, so I am fully submerged. Bear joins me to make sure I am okay. It is a beautiful feeling and reminds me of my diving days. I am in another new world. I feel so peaceful here in spite of there being so much movement around me just under the surface of the water.
Bear points to my foot and encourages me to "take off the anchor". It is then I notice I have a rope tied around it. I slip it off and swim freely. OHH!!! Freedom! I can move in any direction at any time without any encumberances....I wonder if we are 'going' anywhere now...
There are two things I sense. One is a still open and deeper area I can swim TO . And the other is staying where I am and allowing the fast and noisy flow of the surface water to take ME.
I look to Bear and now see another possiblity - being in the deeper , greater option amidst a stronger flow. "Still waters run deep".
The sun is still able to reach this depth I have now moved towards, the flow is gentle and slow yet SO strong - it feels so safe. I feel so protected and firmly guided...I look again to Bear , and along with the feeling I have, I KNOW THIS is where it feels right. It is this feeling I choose to hold and to be part of - it is this feeling that shall guide me along my path. It is the feeling of being truly deep within my Heart.. It is the feeling of being truly home.
I look at Bear who seems to be getting out of the water. I race to follow him and he gently pushes me back to this deep, strong place. It seems unusual as I usually 'come out' with him.  THIS time, he urges me, YOU are to STAY. Try out this new place - allow yourself to grow accustomed to it. No longer do you have to 'leave' - this space is not only FOR you - it IS you.................For now, live your life from here.......
I watch as Bear fully steps out of the stream, shaking his sodden coat and move back out into the trees from whence we came.
I , however, stay in the deep, strong ,warm sunlit waters and just Be Me.......


Peace and Patience

This feels like the first opportunity I have given myself for a while to align myself with the inner world - to listen for longer than a millisecond at a time! THAT, can become very disjointed!!!
I do not sit alone - my dear four legged stoic friend Bella joins me in shared comararderie.....

So I sit and I listen, enjoying the stillness and expanding 'nothingness'.  It reminds me of the feeling I used to get as a late teen - a girl who had taken off on an adventure from one end of the country to the other - first stop the tropics!! Finding a secluded beach with white sand, warm tranquil waters and just Nature for company.  A swim in the sea and then lying down on the sand, the sun engulfing me in his rays - drying the salt on my body and then moving through my skin, to my bones and finally to the centre of my very being.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My focus changes and I am recognizing the absence of 'mind obstacles' and without them, how refreshing and perfect is my journey.  And in this clarity, I , and I am sure All, truly DO know who they are and why they are here.  The simplicity is profound and yet we find it so deceiving when it is truly honest and so straightforward....

I see I am 'looking out', 'looking across' a landscape which is quite empty, open and sparse.  There is minimal light so it gives me a sense of the beginnings of dawn......I then feel SpiritBear who is beside me and reminding me to relish and enjoy this moment.  For it IS quiet and peaceful.
The Peace shall continue , yet the 'pace' shall change.  It shan't be hectic yet it shall be fully engaging.
The Sun DOES burn brighter yet it burns brighter and hotter in ALL of us - enabling us to offer more warmth , more light and more inspiration to all around us.
I hear, 'so allow the dawn to unfold in its time - Be Patient.  One cannot change Nature - when the dawn is coming, then the dawn IS COMING; and IT IS COMING.'


The Dream Gaze

There is an intensity surrounding and pervading all at this time. It is calling for an unwavering focus, an unwavering presence - a matching intensity.
Within this intensity there must be total calm - not even an inkling of turbulence. A crystal clear clarity.
The vision that now appears in front of my eyes is one of a cat and a mouse. The cat has an intense focus and concentration on the mouse, watching for ANY and EVERY sign of movement - or anything else for that matter! There is an alertness and astuteness that is just magnificent - a mixture of tools of precision - art in the making.
The cat looks up and I am drawn to its round green eyes - the markings in its iris, the opening and closing of the black doorway of its pupil into another world. It seems to be tempting or teasing me - daring me to enter this other world. I check with Bear on my feelings and then let the cat know I won't enter without Bear's company.  Bear knows the cat will not be happy with this.
And as true to Bear's feelings - the cat, having lost 'interest' - loses its gaze and wanders away. Seems I was to be the mouse!
My attention is then drawn to the real mouse!!! He wipes his brow and sits down, leaning back on his arm. '"Phew!!! That was close!" he lets out. "I was doing okay holding his gaze, but your help was welcome - a good distraction."
We all sit and I wonder of this experience and how it relates to me. Confronting fears? Holding one's ground? Maintaining presence and awareness? Yes, I am sure of all these things as I see nods of agreement from my furry companions, both big and small!!!
There is something else though - something I am staring in the eyes or is staring me in the eyes!! Strange - usually the Helpers give me more of a clue. But this time, they are waiting for me and are prepared to sit there for as long as it takes. I hear the words - ''you must see it through to the end" . The feeling is 'it' has been long, has been a long process - but there is no room for wavering attention now.  More than ever the 'gaze'- the hold must be maintained and the dream behind it clearer and stronger than ever before.  Dig deeper and access the strength and energy of the dream. This will sustain you, move you and release you to your true place in the way of the universe.
And THAT is what you need to remember!!! Be the immovable rock that only the universe can shift. The light of the universe IS  your focus......
Dig deep and become your dream - for that is who you are...
Everything that has gone before you has brought you closer to your dream, to the Truth of who you are.  It is the Truth that will be shared. So bring your attention and your unwavering gaze 'here' for this is where your roots lie..