I have chosen to share these Heartfelt stories - journeys within the Spiritual realms, with those of you who are drawn to this site.
Should you feel yourself to be one of these readers -PLEASE take the time to disengage your mind and relax.
Take a few deep breaths.
Allow your attention and your focus to rest in that soft space in your Heart.
Now FEEL and experience these journeys from this place while you read.
You will know what feels true for you.


Rich steps.....

A physical journey I have ensued for the last 7 weeks..... A journey on so many different levels all at the same time. And on reflection, all aspects so skillfully woven together as only the Universe can do...
My husband, my dog and I travelled for 'work'- a challenge and an enjoyment in itself - meeting a huge multitude of people in the time and moving through a huge array of landscapes - coast to highlands, oceans to rivers and the different species of flora and fauna that inhabit the areas..

Now returned, and four days on - I am 'waking' from a deep rest and now enjoying the process of gathering strength and feeling myself 'fill' up from Spirit's energy bowser....I have another chance again to enjoy time in this physical life...And OH !!!!!! I DO SO LOVE THIS PHYSICAL WORLD!!!
There IS a joy and there IS a magic here that is hard to perhaps recognise ALL the time - yet when we fully embrace it, feel it, recognise and ENJOY it - it is manna from heaven. It is this Manna, this pure essence that we are here to share and propagate. It is the nature of the essence that the more it is shared and LIVED, expressed and FELT - thicker and richer and more abundant it becomes - naturally!!
I am feeling that it is not just simply the 'light' now - but a denser more physical expression OF THIS LIGHT that I and many others are choosing to carry. I am seeing a vision of an army of people all carrying, not torches, but a bottle of essence, of golden nectar. We are all walking forward in a deliberate direction - totally focused and with no doubt whatsoever - there is no question , no hesitation of any form. It is a strong wave and one rich with Heart...
I look further on but realise there is no need - to keep moving forward and to look around and know there are many who share the same Heart - they are grand steps we take and all we need to remember is to enjoy them!!!!